Jumat, 07 Desember 2007

Kabel cross vs straight

konfigurasi kabel UTP sebagai berikut :
1. orange +putih
2. Orange
3. hijau+putih
4. biru
5. biru+putih
7. coklat+putih
8. coklat

dimana yang musti kita perhatikan adalah nomor 1,2,3 dan 6

1 adalah tx+
2 adalah tx-
3 adalah rx+
6 adalah rx -

dalam kabel straight ( untuk dua alat yang beda ) maka 1 ketemu 1, 2 ketemu 2, 3 ketemu 3
dan seterusnya

untuk kabel cross ( untuk dua alat yang sama ) intinya adalah tx ketemu rx, maka bisa dilihat disitu

ada persilangan, 1 ketemu 2 dan 3 ketemu 6
untuk kabel cross ( untuk dua alat yang sama ) intinya adalah tx ketemu rx, maka bisa dilihat disitu
ada persilangan, 1 ketemu 2 dan 2 ketemu 6

jika kita perhatikan maka kedua kabel yang warna dasar sama ( orange dan orange putih misalnya )
kabel tersebut saling membelit. saat saya belajar elektronika dulu, sistem ini memakai penguat differensial.
dimana perbedaan antara tx - dan tx + serta rx - dan rx + lah yang menentukan dia logik 0 atau logik 1.
dengan teknik saling membelit tersebut maka akan mengurangi interferensi luar, karena jika kabel - terinterferensi
maka kabel + juga. dan karena yang dihitung adalah perbedaan diantara kedua kabel itu maka komponen interferensi
tersebut otomatis saling menghilangkan

(a+0,2)-(b+0, 2) =a-b

dimana a adalah sinyal +
dan b adalah sinyal -

Semoga bermanfaat!

Sabtu, 01 Desember 2007

Wireless PC BOX

modifikasi/ rekayasa
Wireless PC BOX

Hmm.. gimana nyebutnnya yah.. sebenarnya tehnologi ini udah di pake sejak jaman dahulu kala.. yah 5 s.d 10 tahun yang lalu dech.. itu yang gue tau seh.. paling tidak dengan teknologi ini.. biaya investasi bisa di tekan nggak murah seh.. cuma nggak terlalu mahal.. :p

Wireless PC Box.. kira2 kita nyebutnya begitu.. sebenarnya isinya cuma PC yang dimasukan kedalam sebuah box.. truz di taro di atas tower, munurut pengalaman kita dengan pc box ini link point to point wireless backbone.. bisa sampai 28 Km jarak udara :) dasyat kan.. kita belum coba yang lebih jauh lagi.. kalo di jkt kemungkinannya kecil seh.. karena gelombang radio komunikasi udah kaya benang kusut disini.. kalo didaerah mungkin bisa jauh sekali..

Peralatan yang kita gunakan untuk Hardware antara lain :
  • Mother board Pentium 3 (kalo bisa yang ada advance power management)
  • Ram 128 Mega
  • Dom 128 Mega (gantinnya HD)
  • Prosesor 1 Ghz
  • Wlan 3com yang chipset-nya Atheros (biar bisa super chanel)
  • Ethernet Card
  • Power Supply (disesuaikan dengan Mother Board)
  • Box Anti air

kalo sofrware-nya instalin mikrotik lv 4 aja cukup… sama wireless super chanel jadi bisa pake range 2.3 s.d 5.7 Ghz.. mantaffff… download disini ada satu hal yang nggak boleh lupa setting bios-nya dibuat supaya powernya otomatis on, jadi nggak perlu teken2 tombol power dulu… masa kalo abis mati lampu kita harus panjat2 neken tombol power bisa berabe nanti… :) truz halt on all error jangan lupa di setting.. agar pc-nya nggak minta keaboard pada saat start up..

Pada saat perakitan tentunya harus telili dan hati-hati pada saat merakit mother boad kedalam BOX.. berikut dokumentasi foto2 pada saat team wan-dki yang gagah berani sedang membuat wirelessPCBox, Diguciku dan sindu gallery dan pastikan semuannya terbungkus rapih agar tidak terjadi konsleting mengingat kabel powernnya naik sampai ketower…

Jumat, 30 November 2007

Minggu, 18 November 2007

Top 5 Video Editing Software Programs

Video editing programs were once something only professional videographers needed to own.Professional quality video editing programs have started to become affordable for consumers as well. Many video editing software manufacturers are offering consumer versions of their professional products making great video editing software packages affordable for people who want to edit their video at home. Here are some of the top non-linear video editing software packages available for consumers.

1. Final Cut Pro

Final Cut Pro is the most popular video editing program for professional video editors, as well as consumers who want to do as much as they can with their video. Final Cut Pro HD works only on Power Macintosh computers. The program allows users to edit high definition video easily and allows for very detailed color and audio correction.
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2. Adobe Premiere

Adobe Premiere allows users to create and edit professional quality video on a PC or Mac (depending on the version you purchase). The program has over 100 different title templates built in and is designed to work well alongside Adobes other products such as Photoshop, After Effects, Illustrator, and GoLive. DVDs can be created directly from the projects timeline using Apples DVD Studio Pro.
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3. Avid Express

Avid along with Final Cut Pro are the worlds most respected non-linear video editing programs. Avid Express is the only software only video editing program sold by Avid and allows consumers to create truly professionally quality video at home. Professional videographers will find all the features they need in this program with a variety of different video and audio correction tools and effects. The color correction tool in Avid express is taken from Avids professional Symphony system.
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4. Sony Vegas Movie Studio

This video editing program by Sony allows you to take your home videos to the next level by adding titles and transitions as well as music to your recorded video. Vegas does not have nearly as many features as a professional video editing program but can be great for people who want to do a little more with their video. Unlimited video tracks allow you to put different shots together seamlessly. Several video transitions come built in, with additional transitions in an optional plug-in.
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5. Pinnacle Studio

Pinnacle is a fairly easy to use program that features drag and drop editing and is designed for consumers who want to edit their home video. Pinnacle comes with over a hundred scene transitions built in as well as a good number of title effects as well. You can do some basic corrections to your video and add background music.
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Sabtu, 17 November 2007

Top 50 Logo Design Tutorials

Sense of quality, eficiency and productivity

Top 50 Logo Design Tutorials

  • Creating a logo from start to finish »»
  • Strategies for Letter-based Logo Design »»
  • Step-by-step logo process »»
  • Fly Away - Illustrative Logo»»
  • Logos for the Design Challenged by Gary Priester »»
  • Vector Safari - Illustrative Logo »»
  • Tango - Illustrative Icons »»
  • Font Customization Techniques for Sign Logo Creation»»
  • Illustrating & Logos (Gazelle logo) »»
  • Simple Logos that Have Persona»»
  • Basic Shape Illustration»»
  • The process of redesigning a logo»»
  • Constructing the Perfect Logo»»
  • Designing identities for small companies»»
  • Using, fusing and abusing “the rules” of logo design»»
  • Photoshop Tutorial: How to Make a Web 2.0-Style Logo»»
  • Web 2.0 Logo #2 | Designphase»»
  • How to Design a Logo of Letters (PDF)»»
  • Logo Design With a Star»»
  • Citroen Logo»»
  • Futuristic Logo - Photoshop tutorial»»
  • Creating a nice signal logo»»
  • Skype Logo»»
  • Vector Style Flame Logo»»
  • Cartoon Character Logo»»
  • How to Design a Logotype from Conception to Completion»»
  • Colorful Logo»»
  • Simple Icon Logo»»

  • Jumat, 16 November 2007

    Transform your Photos into a Beautiful Mosaic

    Buat semua siswa Multimedia, terutama kelas 1 MM, simak ya tutorial berikut!
    Multimedia SMKN 3 Tegal : sense of quality, eficiency and productivity
    Draw in a vertical line 2 pixels wide along the left side of the box and a horizontal 2 pixel tall line along the top of the box. You can hold down shift while doing this to make the drawing line constrain to a linear path. You can use any color (I chose white).
    3. Go to edit>define pattern and give it a descriptive name.
    1. Begin by selecting a single photograph or creating a collage using the layer mask blending method. If you are unfamiliar with this you can read how to easily blend 2 images together. Here is a quick arrangement of photos I found. Notice how the different picture edges aren’t aligned or clean, this is perfectly fine.

    Transform your Photos into a Beautiful Mosaic

  • Design a pad of Post-it Notes
  • Giving your Object Smooth Edges. Why Anti-Aliasing is Important.
  • Give your Text a Glossy Highlight
  • Transform your Photos into a Beautiful Mosaic
  • Add a Flexible Grunge Effect to Your Work
  • Recreate the World from Scratch
  • Create a Sleek Looking Diagonal Website Pattern

  • Selamat belajar dan belajar semoga sukses selalu, amien.